Deer Lake First Nation


Deer Lake First Nation is a small community located in remote northwestern Ontario.




Tribal Name: Deer Lake First Nation

Address: P.O. Box 39, Deer Lake ON P0V 1N0
Phone: 807-775-2141
Fax: 807-775-2220
Official Website:

Band No. 237
Traditional Name:
Alternate Names:

Province: Ontario
Geographic Region:
Aboriginal Status: Status Band
Tribal Affiliation:  Oji-Cree

Governance: This  community is governed by an elected Chief, a Deputy Chief and Five councilors.
Political Organizations: Keewaytinook Okimakanak/Northern Chiefs Council and the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation

Reserve No.

Treaties: Treaty 5 and Treaty 9

The Deer Lake reserve is within the boundaries of the territory described by the Winnipeg Treaty of 1875 — Treaty No. 5.

The James Bay Treaty No. 9 Commissioners’ report notes that a Band of Indians residing the vicinity of Deer Lake, within the territory included in Treaty No. 5, signed an adhesion to the Treaty on June 9, 1910 that provided for a reserve in the proportion of 32 acres per capita.

The reserve was never designated, and Band members relocated to Sandy Lake.

The 1929-1930 Adhesion to Treaty No. 9 approved and confirmed the establishment of a reserve around Sandy Lake Narrows for the Deer Lake Band, whose numbers had increased greatly since 1910 by the addition of new members who had migrated from Manitoba.

In 1985, Deer Lake split into two separate Bands, Deer Lake and Sandy Lake. Deer Lake achieved full Band status in 1985.

Population: Approximately 1,200.



The community school has classes for Kindergarten through Grade 10. It  contains a total of ten classrooms; a gymnasium and washroom/shower facilities; a library/resource centre; a multi-purpose facility for Native language and special education uses; a computer room; labs for home economics, science and industrial arts classes; and administration and staff rooms. It can accommodate up to 354 students.

Tribal Culture:

Tribal History:

People of Note:

In the News:

Further Reading: