What Sort of Housing Help Exists?


Question: What Sort of Housing Help Exists?
Answer: Registered Indians have several options for housing assistance from DIAND and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

DIAND provides funding to support on-reserve housing-related activities, including the construction of new houses and renovation of existing units. The program is administered by First Nation councils or their designated housing authorities who establish comprehensive, community-based housing plans to meet the needs of their members.

These plans include the allocation of available funding, the establishment of programs, policies and procedures and the planning and implementation of housing projects.

Based on your income and assets, you may get financial help from a financial institution following established lending criteria to obtain, purchase or renovate on-reserve housing.

Because on-reserve property cannot be mortgaged by a private lender, security may be provided through Ministerial loan guarantees with the consent of your First Nation council. CMHC provides operating subsidies to First Nation councils for non-profit rental housing through its On-Reserve Rental Housing Program (Section 95).

CMHC’s Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) is available to on-and off-reserve residents renovating existing housing. The program is administered on reserves by the First Nation councils or their designated housing authorities.

Off reserves, the program is operated by CMHC and/ or the provincial or territorial government in co-operation with CMHC.

You can learn more about these programs by contacting your First Nation council, the Regional Director of Funding Services, DIAND, or the nearest CMHC office. Information is also available on Their Web Site at: https://www.ainc.gc.ca/ps/hsg/cih/index_ e.html.

Please note that, in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, housing assistance is the responsibility of the territorial governments. For further information, contact the territorial government or the CMHC office in Yellowknife.