Dene People of Note


Here is a list of Dene People of Note.





  • Thanadelthur (c. 1697 – 5 February 1717) a woman of the Chipewyan Nation, a guide and interpreter, who was instrumental in forging a peace agreement between the Chipewyan and the Cree people
  • Paul Andrew, journalist and National Aboriginal Achievement Award recipient
  • Ethel Blondin-Andrew, former MP for Western Arctic (Northwest Territories)
  • Leela Gilday, Canadian folk singer, Juno winner
  • Jimmy Herman (1940-2013) actor, Dances with Wolves
  • Matonabbee (c. 1737–1782), guide for Samuel Hearne’s expedition to the Coppermine River
  • Tahmoh Penikett, actor, Battlestar Galactica and Dollhouse
  • Eric Schweig, actor, The Last of the Mohicans
  • Glen Sean Coulthard (Yellowknives Nation), associate professor at the University of British Columbia and author of the book Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition, winner of the Frantz Fanon Award and the Canadian Political Science Association’s C.B. MacPherson Prize.