What Health Care Coverage Is Available for Status Indians?


Question: What Health Care Coverage Is Available for Status Indians?
Answer: Health services for First Nations and Inuit are the responsibility of provincial, territorial and federal governments.

The provinces/ territories provide and/ or pay for insured physician and hospital services. The federal government provides treatment and public health services in remote areas and public health services in non-isolated First Nation communities through the Medical Services Branch (MSB) of Health Canada.

Services include community preventive health and health promotion programs and services and environmental health surveillance. Emergency diagnostic and treatment services are provided by the MSB when not available otherwise.

Health care premiums in Alberta and British Columbia are also covered. For information about the MSB’s Non-Insured Health Benefits Program, please refer to the “Health Canada” section of the “Other Federal Programs and Services” chapter.

The federal government encourages and supports the transfer of control of health programs to First Nation and Inuit organizations. Financing for these services is provided by contribution and contract arrangements.

For further information, or if you need any of these services, contact your First Nation council or your regional MSB, Health Canada office.

In Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories, the territorial governments are responsible for medical and health services. Contact your First Nation council, the territorial Department of Health or your regional health board for more information or assistance.